If you are considering bankruptcy protection but would like to know if you qualify, please click here to open the questionnaire. Thereafter, please fax the fully completed form to our office at the fax number of +1 949 271 5788 (Attn: Bankruptcy Counsel). Upon receipt of a completed questionnaire from you and after a thorough review thereof, we will contact you to discuss further, if we determine that you qualify.
While we will treat all submissions with utmost confidentiality, please do note that all submissions are still subject to the terms of our Private Policy, which shall equally apply to all incoming fax submissions. You should also be fully aware that the submission of any documentation to our office shall not create nor constitute any form of attorney-client relationship whatsoever, until our office has, in fact, accepted you as a client and a legal engagement agreement has actually been entered into by both you and a duly authorized attorney from our office. |